High School Chinese Reading Comprehension Knowledge Terms

One, expression

(1) Common expressions

Narrate, explain, discuss, describe, lyric.

The key to these five expressions is to be able to identify, and to be highly sensitive to argumentative and lyrical sentences when reading articles. Because argumentative sentences and lyric sentences are often the embodiment of the author's writing intent.

(2) Correctly identify the different expressions used in the article

Narrative: Pay attention to the narrator (first, second, third person); the order of the narration; the clues and details of the narration

Description: Character description: appearance, action, language, psychological description Scene description: natural environment, social environment description

scene description frontal description and side description

Description: The main purpose is to let others know the objects and scientific principles you want to introduce

Note several description sequences and description methods:

Explain the sequence: time, space, logic, working procedures, etc.

Explanation methods: define, interpret, give examples, classify, compare, list numbers, draw analogies, draw diagrams, etc.

Argument: mainly expressing opinions or expounding claims Lyrics: direct lyric and indirect lyric

(3) To be able to understand the role of different expressions in the text

Narrative is to explain the time, place, person and the cause and effect of the event;

The description is to vividly express the characters or explain the background and set off the characters' mood. Lyrical expression is a better way to express the author's feelings and enhance the appeal of the article;

Discussion can play a role in clarifying the theme.

Second, the performance method

Echoing before and after, wanting to promote before suppressing, supporting objects to express one's will, borrowing objects to express feelings, association, imagination, foil (positive contrast, contrast), symbolism, comparison, contrast, contrast, seeing the big from the small, borrowing the logic from the object, embodying the logic in the object, Interpretation in things, borrowing objects to describe people, expressing emotions with objects, blending scenes, combining virtual and real (such as writing a picture of spring flowers), foreshadowing, foreshadowing, back-and-forth, combination of motion and stillness, exaggeration, analogy, irony, etc.

Three, rhetorical devices

(1) Rhetoric

metaphor, personification, exaggeration, comparison, duality, quotation, questioning, rhetorical questioning, repetition, irony

(2) The role of rhetorical devices.

When answering the question, answer:

①The role of the rhetorical device itself;
②According to the context of the sentence, answer the specific role.

  1. Metaphor, personification: vivid image; answer format: vividly write + object + characteristic.
  2. Alignment: imposing, strengthening tone, coherent, etc.; answer format: emphasizing + object + characteristic
  3. Asking questions: to attract readers' attention and thinking; answer format: to attract readers' attention and thinking on + object + characteristics
  4. Rhetorical question: emphasize, strengthen tone, etc.;
  5. Contrast: Emphasizes... Highlights...
  6. Repetition: Emphasizes...intensifies the tone

4. Six elements of narrative essay

time, place, person, cause, process, result

Five, the order of description

Sequence, Flashback, Interlude

Six, description angle

front view, side view

Seven, the method of describing characters

Language, action, demeanor, psychology, appearance, detailed description, general description

8. The angle of describing the scene (five "sleep")

sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell

Nine, the method of describing the scenery

Combination of dynamic and static (writing static with dynamic), combining generalization and specificity, from far to near (or from near to far)

10. Descriptive (or lyrical) way

Positive (aka direct), negative (aka indirect)

11. Narrative

general description, detailed description

Twelve, the order of description

chronological order, spatial order, logical order

Thirteen, description method

Examples, columns of numbers, analogies, comparisons, definitions, categorization, citations, column charts

14. Environmental description

natural environment, social environment

15. Other points

(1) The role of a sentence in the text

  1. The beginning of the text: point the topic at the beginning; exaggerate the atmosphere (narrative essay, novel), lay down foreshadowing (narrative essay, novel), set suspense (novel), and serve as a support for the following;
  2. In the text: linking the previous and the next; leading the following in general; summarizing the above;
  3. The end of the article: point out the center (narrative essay, novel); deepen the theme (narrative essay, novel); respond to the beginning (argumentative essay, narrative essay, novel)

(two) the answer to the meaning of the sentence

For such a topic, there is often a word or phrase in the sentence that uses metaphors, contrasts, borrowing, symbolism and other expression methods. When answering the questions, reveal the objects they refer to, and then unblock the sentences.

(3) Is a word in a sentence replaced by another line? Why?

Verb: No. Because the word is written accurately and vividly and concretely...
Adjective: No way. Because the word vividly describes...
Adverbs (such as all, most, very only, etc.): No. Because the word accurately describes the situation of ... (table degree, table limit, table time, table range, etc.), after changing it, it becomes ..., which is inconsistent with the facts.

(4) Can the order of two or three words in a sentence be reversed? Why?

cannot. ①It is inconsistent with the law of people’s understanding of things (from the shallow to the deep, from the surface to the inside, from the phenomenon to the essence); ②The word has a one-to-one correspondence with the above; ③These words are in a progressive relationship, interlocking, Not interchangeable.

(5) Words for the evaluation of the characteristics of the sentence

Accurate, rigorous, vivid, vivid, easy to understand, concise, concise, concise, contagious, strong sense of rhythm, euphemism and subtlety, meaningful, thought-provoking, profound meaning, arousing interest in reading, eloquent, persuasive force

(6) The role of sentences in expressing emotions

Render the atmosphere, highlight the image (or the emotion of the character), point out the center (reveal the theme), highlight the theme (deepen the center)

(7) The role of sentences in the structure of articles

Summarize the full text, lead to the following, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, linking the previous (transition), coordinating before and after, echoing from beginning to end, summarizing the whole text, pointing out the topic, and promoting the development of the plot.

High School Chinese Reading Comprehension Knowledge Terms


Hsukqi Lee
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