
This page collects some high-quality original articles on this site, numbering and classifying them according to series and types, and making them into several columns. If you are unfamiliar with this site, you can start reading from the article here.

1. Use Bt Linux Well

  1. Install Bt 7.7.0 Enterprise Edition
  2. Bt Panel 7.7.0 update plugin to the latest version
  3. Install Bt Panel 7.9.0 Enterprise Edition
  4. Transform btPanel into the international version - aaPanel

2, server security series

  1. Server Security (1) Bt Panel Defense
  2. Server Security (2) Internal and External Network Defense

3, server optimization series

  1. Server optimization (1) Install Tencent's internal unilateral congestion algorithm BBR-TCPA
  2. Server optimization (2) Software source replacement
  3. Server optimization (3) Setting virtual memory

4. Microsoft Office Tips

  1. Get genuine Microsoft Office 365 for free
  2. Quickly install Microsoft Office with Office Tool Plus
  3. Bt panel deployment OneIndex
  4. Bt panel deployment OlaIndex

5. Collection of Soviet jokes

  1. Soviet Joke Collection (1)
  2. Soviet Joke Collection (2)
  3. Soviet Joke Collection (3)
  4. Soviet Joke Collection (4)
  5. Soviet Joke Collection (5)
  6. Soviet Joke Collection (6)
  7. Soviet Joke Collection (7)
  8. Soviet Joke Collection (8)
  9. Soviet Joke Collection (9)
  10. Soviet Joke Collection (10)
  11. Soviet Joke Collection (11)
  12. Soviet Joke Collection (12)

6. Minecraft opens the server

  1. Linux builds a Minecraft server (1) preliminary preparations
  2. Linux builds Minecraft server (2) environment installation
  3. Linux builds Minecraft server (3) management panel installation
  4. Linux builds a Minecraft server (4) Add and enter the server

7. Middle school emotional history

  1. My Middle School Emotional History (1) The Love of Two Lovers


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